martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Public Administration

I’m studying it because it’s my way to contribute with the society, it is my door to enter at government machine and try to fix it in some ways, and make it better. I enter y to help people, country, and all the society. The public administration studies gives you a lot of tools in different ways to be a complete professional when you work out, the public administration includes subjects of English very important to develop the government today, math its important too because we need a fundamental base too administrate well Chile’s money and get a more efficient service to the country, us most important studies are about history of Chilean institutions, law and government introduction. with this subjects we have plenty of tools and ways to be good professionals, because as future professionals we need.

I'd like to enter government to try do well the things, transparent the process, and change bad things.

If I want to get into the government, I have to make big efforts, study a lot, and love my job with all my heart.

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