I really enjoy it, because gave me the possibility to increase my English writing vocabulary, and improve my grammatical skills. In the beginning, when I wrote in “Word” was like the entire page underlined in red by the computer for my mistakes, but post by post I improve the grammatical mistakes, and the underlined decreased more and more. In that way is an excellent learning process. Apart from that I could develop my “English thinking” skills, this skills are related to create something thinking in English in the first time, I mean, when you have to write something in English, we use to think it first in Spanish in our minds, an then start to look for ways to say it in English, so the blog posting help me to develop in that way, and when I have to create something to post I immediately think it in English, so I can do it faster and words and phrases get out of my mind easily and fluid.
I think that if the work in the blog was done right it helps very much to improve your English, in other way force you to do it right because mostly of activities are about giving own opinion so you can’t copy the post, so is very good. I usually like the themes of posts, but it would be funnier if we had chosen the posting themes, so in that way I didn’t like it very much. Other thing that I like was that we did the work in classes, so we stay free of homework, and we could post other classmates blogs so we could know opinions and it was a good time to know better each other and we are in first year so it helps tooJ. Finally I can say that I enjoy it and learned very much ^^.
martes, 23 de junio de 2009
"My Blogging Experience"
martes, 16 de junio de 2009
"My Ideal Job"

I’m not going to venture to say which exactly will be my job, but there are a lot of characteristics that I want for my future work.
In my “ideal” job I’d like to has the real chance to help Chile in any possible way, it is my requirement number one; has to be dynamic, I mean, I don’t want to be sit on a desk signing papers the rest of my life; has to be a job in which I can develop in different aspects; apart for that I like to has the freedom to develop different projects, and the chance of innovate in the system; of course the possibility to be promote too J.
I mostly will need the skill of be adaptable to resolve any kind of problem in the best possible way; I like very much resolve problems because test my intellectually in all aspects.
I’d be good for this job because I got a very developed the adaptation and the empathy skills, so I can see a problem from different view points to the resolve it in the best way.I think that find this kind of job is a little difficult, because this kind of works are related with higher charges, but if I effort enough I can reach the job.
In my “ideal” job I’d like to has the real chance to help Chile in any possible way, it is my requirement number one; has to be dynamic, I mean, I don’t want to be sit on a desk signing papers the rest of my life; has to be a job in which I can develop in different aspects; apart for that I like to has the freedom to develop different projects, and the chance of innovate in the system; of course the possibility to be promote too J.
I mostly will need the skill of be adaptable to resolve any kind of problem in the best possible way; I like very much resolve problems because test my intellectually in all aspects.
I’d be good for this job because I got a very developed the adaptation and the empathy skills, so I can see a problem from different view points to the resolve it in the best way.I think that find this kind of job is a little difficult, because this kind of works are related with higher charges, but if I effort enough I can reach the job.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
"The Athena's School"

The Athena’s School was painted by Rafael Sanzio since 1510 to 1511. This Painting was made in a Vatican room to decorate it with “Frescos”. In the Painting we can see the most important philosophers of the old Greece, and in the middle “Platon” pointing his finger to the sky, to a higher “ente” that has the answers; and near Platon is “Aristoteles” pointing to the earth like saying: “No, here are the answers”. I’ve seen this painting a lot of times in my life, but when I began a “Humanist”, I could appreciate the real significance of the painting. Actually I don’t know if it has a specific meaning given by Rafael, but I can figure that after seen the level of thinking, ideas generation and main abstraction that this philosophers developed was so amazing and so important for the humanity, that they deserve be compiled and reminded in a painting forever. I like this painting not because is the more beauty, there are other nowadays paintings more interesting in the beauty’s point, neither for be the most creative. Indeed has a historical mistake: the painting represents Greece, and all the Philosophers were from Greece, but we can appreciate in the building structure the use of “mid point arch” that weren’t use by Greeks, but by the Romans. Anyway, the point is that I like for the feeling, that I think Rafael shared, of look that painting and imagine myself talking, sharing, living, the greatest minds of the old Greece, the minds that sowed the biggest ideas in knowledge.
martes, 2 de junio de 2009
"Do Schools Kill Creativity"

Sir Ken Robinson talks about how school needs restructuring the education, because the ways in which education develops were created in the past century. So that ways are obsoletes for the thinking process that the minds of the new generations takes. That makes that the creativity of children gets restrict, and they can’t develop taking advantage of all they natural talents. Sir Ken explains that this happen because the obsolete education works in an “In the Box” way. I mean that the education is so close, so stuck, that works like a machine, that the only response that is be able to produce is a prize if the student is in the right answer, or a punish if the student doesn’t give “the only , the absolutely and the unquestionable right answer that the system establish. The system works with positive and negative feedbacks, this kind of system make that the students close his creative responses, and start to produce responses according with the system to create positive feedbacks. I think that if the feedbacks could be always positives but in different ways of certainty, the fear of the students to get wrong could be broken.
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