I’m not going to venture to say which exactly will be my job, but there are a lot of characteristics that I want for my future work.
In my “ideal” job I’d like to has the real chance to help Chile in any possible way, it is my requirement number one; has to be dynamic, I mean, I don’t want to be sit on a desk signing papers the rest of my life; has to be a job in which I can develop in different aspects; apart for that I like to has the freedom to develop different projects, and the chance of innovate in the system; of course the possibility to be promote too J.
I mostly will need the skill of be adaptable to resolve any kind of problem in the best possible way; I like very much resolve problems because test my intellectually in all aspects.
I’d be good for this job because I got a very developed the adaptation and the empathy skills, so I can see a problem from different view points to the resolve it in the best way.I think that find this kind of job is a little difficult, because this kind of works are related with higher charges, but if I effort enough I can reach the job.
In my “ideal” job I’d like to has the real chance to help Chile in any possible way, it is my requirement number one; has to be dynamic, I mean, I don’t want to be sit on a desk signing papers the rest of my life; has to be a job in which I can develop in different aspects; apart for that I like to has the freedom to develop different projects, and the chance of innovate in the system; of course the possibility to be promote too J.
I mostly will need the skill of be adaptable to resolve any kind of problem in the best possible way; I like very much resolve problems because test my intellectually in all aspects.
I’d be good for this job because I got a very developed the adaptation and the empathy skills, so I can see a problem from different view points to the resolve it in the best way.I think that find this kind of job is a little difficult, because this kind of works are related with higher charges, but if I effort enough I can reach the job.
I feel like you...I cant thik than im going to workwith papers, a like work with the people changing the behaviors of what is wrong in our country
ResponderEliminartry to do your howework hahahahhaah!!!!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarsee you next to me
Matías, it is very nice that you may work freely, just work harder and you'll get it!
you really can help Chile, but you must finish your college, or not?
ResponderEliminarwell, you can go out from your office, and satisfied every social need outside.
bye !
I think the same. I don't see myself signing papers my whole life.
ResponderEliminarIt's pretty good that you want to help the country, all people should think the same.